Thanks for visiting Brannum Real Estate web site.

This site has been developed to promoting real estate in North Alabama. Some of the properties presented on this site may be listed for sale with other Realtors. in which case, we would be a co-operating agent.
As a rule, we are the owner’s selling agent or a co-operating agent. However, John and Ray are continually aware of properties that are not on the market but could possibly be purchased. In this case, we are the buyer’s agent. In this instance, we may advertise a property on this site stating it is not listed for sale, but could possibly be purchased. The actual location of the subject property cannot be described until we have a written agreement with the proposed buyer. These properties are generally commercial, farm or high value residential properties.
Ray Brannum is 86 years old and is the web master of this site. He also develops other web sites and is an internet marketer. Ray is married to Jeanine Brannum to whom he has been married for 64 years. They have four children, Teressa Deriax, Norma Kate Wolford, John Brannum and George Brannum.
Ray primarily works in the commercial real estate area and is a certified General Real Property Appraiser, appraising commercial properties in the North Alabama Area.
John Brannum is a licensed Broker who has over 30 years experience in North Alabama real estate sales. John is married to Cindy Upton Brannum. They have two children – one each – second marriage, and two granddaughters and one grandson.
George Brannum is also involved in Brannum Real Estate as an assistant to Ray on commercial appraisals and as a Certified Residential Appraiser. George is the father of two beautiful girls and one precious son.
Thank you for visiting our web page. If you have any type property which you would like to sell please contact John Brannum at 256 572 7436. Email address
For appraisals please contact Ray or George at 256 572 1565. Email address is
At the present time we are interested in recruiting agents who already have a license. We have office space available for 5 agents. Commission schedule is negotiable based on your experience.
Visit Ray’s other sites which are and Learn how to develop web sites and how to do internet marketing.
If you plan on visiting our office we are the first office on the left after you cross the Tennessee River Bridge going south. And we are the last place on the left before you cross the bridge going north.