Listing courtesy River Brokers
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1001 Blount Avenue
Listing curtesy Re/Max the Real Estate Group
1001 Blount Avenue, Guntersville, Alabama Price $149,000.00
Building Size 2,647 Square Feet
No. Stories One
Property Type Free Standing
Construction Masonry
Year Built 1970
Possible Use Single Tenant Flex Use / Office
Site Size 0.16 Acres
Tax PIN 20532
Call Ray Brannum
Brannum Real Estate
205 Gunter Avenue
Guntersville, AL 35976
256 572 1565
1428 Gunter Avenue Commercial Building
Listing Curtesy Southeast Commercial
1428 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL Price $139,000.00
Building Size 3,400 Square Feet
No. Stories One
Property Type Free Standing
Year Built 1950
Possible Use Single Tenant Flex Use
Site Size 0.16 Acres
Tax PIN 21475
This building is in the South Town business district of Guntersville adjacent to the Wal Green pharmacy and across the street from the CVS Pharmacy. Excellent office or retail center. Building was formerly a dance studio and most recently a training facility for a pizza company
Call Ray Brannum 256 572 1565 – Brannum Real Estate
Lauderdale County Hunting Land
Listing agent Natural Resources Group LLC
Tract: SVK01 – 160 acres in Lauderdale County, AL
Price: $233,000.00
Per Acre: $1,456.00
CALL RAY BRANNUM 256 572 1565
Shown by appointment only
Hunting / Recreation: Located north of Waterloo, AL and just off of CR 14, this property boasts an abundance of large deer and wild turkey – last year the landowner saw 42 turkeys on opening day of season. There are several established green fields in the valley and on top of the hill. The landowner will be leaving approximately 30 hunting stands, some brand new, and several large two-man elevated shooting houses. If you enjoy bird watching, Waterloo is known for its numerous wild birds including the bald eagle. Enjoy your walk among the many acres of large trees, including a walnut grove, and the many wild azaleas over 15ft tall. For the fisherman, you are only 5 minutes from the nearest public boat ramp on Pickwick Lake.
Home / Barn / Creek: 24′ x 52′ manufactured home recently re-leveled, new skirting all around, and new front door, located next to a beautiful creek. This creek runs through the property for over 1/2 mile long, and never dried out even during the 2016 drought. Also included is a 24′ x 52′ newly constructed tractor shed on a concrete slab with 2 sets of drive-thru doors and a wood heater not yet installed. This property has a rustic, usable barn excellent for storing items out of the weather.
Tractor / Implements: Almost new with low hours 40 horsepower Kabota tractor with front-end loader, trailer for pulling the tractor, large disk (apx. 6 ft), 2 drag harrows for leveling and feeding, 3 point hitch lift and plow, bushhog, landscaping box blade, seeder/fertilizer for a tractor, and seeder/fertilizer for a 4-wheeler.
Colbert County Hunting Land
Listing agency Natural Resources Group
Tract: KAK01 – 184.5 acres in Colbert County, AL
Price: $275,827.50
Per Acre: $1,495.00
CALL RAY BRANNUM 256 572 1565
Incredible views, excellent road network, perfect location, diverse timber, and abundant wildlife. Come s
ee this property and add your own narrative; it’s worth the trip.
Located on scenic Riverton Rose Trail in western Colbert County, AL, this property overlooks the junction of the Tennessee River and Bear Creek. A recently engineered road network provides easy access to all parts, including 5 green fields ranging from 1/2 acre to 3/4-acre size and 1 with an incredible view of the Tennessee River and Bear Creek junction.
Of the 184.5 acres, 73 acres are mature hardwood saw timber; 65 acres are 17-year-old pine and hardwood mix; and 46 acres have wonderfully thick 6-year-old regeneration. A developed 50′ wide deeded easement takes you from Riverton Rose Trail Road to the property’s entrance.
Winston County Hunting Land
Listing Agent Natural Resources Group, LLC
CALL RAY BRANNUM 256 572 1565
Wildlife / Recreation: A creek winding through the hardwood timber helps feed Lewis Smith Lake while attracting all sorts of wildlife. Chose to go whitetail or turkey hunting on the land you own, go fishing at Lewis Smith Lake which has a public boat ramp only 2 minutes away, or enjoy the many recreational opportunities offered at the Bankhead National Forest also only 2 minutes away.
Arab Pasture Land
Commercial Lot
Retail Building Albertville
Curtesy Main Street Realty Plus
Commercial Building for Sale
Price $189,000.00 No. Stories 1
Property Type Retail / Office Year Built 1920
Possible Use Multi Tenancy Single / Multi
Site Size 0.04 Acres Tax PIN
Building Size 5,753 Sq Ft Traffic Vehicle / Foot
This building is in the center of the Albertville central business district, across the street from the Albertville City Hall. Excellent office or retail center.
Call Ray Brannum 256 572 1565